Mindfulness for you and your dog- The Trust Technique -

부터 SEK
- 기간: 90 분 (대략)
- 위치: Kiruna
- 상품 코드: PSGESY
Första konsultationen tar 90 minuter.
- Vi träffas online, via Messsenge, Skype,Facetime eller liknande. Det viktiga är att jag kan se både dig och hunden.
- Du är hemma hos dig i hundens tryggaste miljö
- Vi pratar om er situation och era behov.
- Jag beskriver Trust Technique och lär dig hur du ska använda den. Du får öva både utan och med din hund.
- Tips för hur du bäst ska jobba vidare
- Rabatterat pris för dig som gått Julkalenderns. 995 SEK (1495)
About the first session:
- The session can take part online, via For example, Skype, Messenger, Zoom, or if you live closby at your home
- A session takes about an hour.
- The first session always takes place in your home, where your dog is most relaxed.
- The first session we try to meet when your dog has its calmest time of the day, after a long walk.
- We talk about your situtations, your needs and I teach you how to use the Trust Technique.
- We practise both with and without your dog.
I have a Crossfields Institute Level 3 Diploma In Mindfulness For People With Their Animals:Trust Technique Practitioner
This qualification provides clear guidelines as to how to deliver The Trust Technique® effectively, safely and within the law whilst retaining the original essence of the technique for the ultimate benefit of animals and people. This is a formal Ofqual regulated qualification (Level 3 Diploma).